the glowing chmaq
check out the glowing handle that alerts you when there is a rain forecast:

im sending a suggestion to this company to develop a chmaq that glows when its dusty outside so we can avoid surprises like yesterday's!

im sending a suggestion to this company to develop a chmaq that glows when its dusty outside so we can avoid surprises like yesterday's!
We need a high-tech 3gal :)
3baid, at Friday, March 09, 2007 12:12:00 PM
high tech 3oqal... and chmaq is very important.. as u mentioned this creative idea about predecting the dusty wind by chmaaq...especially for people who suffer from dust allergy and ect..
khooosh ekhtera3 !
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 05, 2007 10:49:00 PM
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