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Monday, September 06, 2004

"laayk shimsawya intay...."

what a mess this country is turning into. i think people are traveling too much nowadays and bringing back more than shopping. it's not enough that we have the scourge of hip-hop turning us into disgusted audiophobes - we now have to grapple with the different accents that have been grafted from masri, lebnani, ali G, franglais, sindi and newspeak (i'm not even going to touch on the disaster of incoherent fashion that tends to accompany such changes).
its actually amazing that kuwaitis have held out against the onslaught of foreign tongues for the last few decades since the discovery of oil but now the change is coming from within. the boomers that have grown up on broadcast satellite and 24/7 connectivity are making sure the job is complete. its not negative as i'm not as paranoid as the french. the world is vastly small - ripe for discovery and assimilation. true - many societies lose a unique sense of cultural differentiation but is that so bad? if it can bring healthy new thoughts and views then i'm all for it....
"what will be, will be"

Thursday, September 02, 2004

truffles in the sand...

i'm not an expert on truffles in kuwait but i've observed people in ecstasy over the coming season enough to wonder about it. what's so special about those things anyway? and why do i feel they taste like weird potatoes? hmmm...

well at least the whole world seems to agree on the delectableness of truffles so we're not alone... must be an acquired taste though. i've still got to try those black and white truffles of europe - they could be different and i've come accross quite a bit of info on cooking and storing them such as in cognac! (where there seems to be a reciprocal benefit - the cognac and the truffle both taste better)

oh and apparently when iraq invaded kuwait in 1990 some people were more distraught about losing truffles than homeland! (can't confirm this though - sounds urban legend-y to me)

are the sandy truffles of the desert the same as the white ones of europe? a definitive answer from any of you out there would be appreciated...

grapes and prunes in the desert...

females and jobs: is there a inverse correlation between age and job prospects ? i was just informed that if you are not young/supple/fresh then your chances of getting a job as a female in kuwait were pretty meager regardless of your abilities. i thought that as one progressed in their career they would logically add value to themselves (as well as a zero or two to their paychecks!). add one more gripe about the local job market!